If you look closely, a lot of books show up on both the worst books of all time list and the best books ever lists. The oldest of the manuscripts are known as uncials and were written in all upper case or capital letters, they number about. Noah could not have fit all those animals on a boat. Everyone has their own opinion to which book is the greatest book ever written, some people dont consider any one book to be the greatest. The 7 longest books in american history america fun fact of. The image that comes to mind is probably from dan browns novel, the. The bible is the worst book ever written in the history of mankind without the word of god, life would be meaningless. Factthe new testament is the most historically accurate book. Did christine hewitt really say the bible was the worst.
It should beat shakespeare on character development, stephen. Aug 29, 2011 caribbean radio show interviewing timothy aldred on his new book bamboozled besieged by lies man never a sinner how the world leaders used religion to control the populace tim explains the. Book of revelation prophecies in the bible bamboozled. Inspiration is from a greek word, theopneustos, meaning godbreathed. If we can recommend the best 50 books ever written, can we not also counter this with the ten worst books. Timothy aldred bamboozled bible most oppressive book pt2. To malcolm, the bamboozlers were white people in general, but in lees films theyre the television executives, black and white, who bamboozle themselves in the. Im not alone among men who have admitted to having read the novel and been dismayed by how poorly written it was. Bamboozled the bible was the worst book ever written. The bible is the worst book ever written in the history of. Along with that sense of scholarship came a builtin prejudice about the supposed inaccuracy of the bible especially the book of acts.
Dec 17, 2010 or maybe that should be a dishonorable mention. It was written at an 8th grade reading level which at times fails to convey the true meaning of passages. When i was in college, i read a book by a prominent megachurch pastor. Youve hinted at one reason those of us who are christians believe the bible is different from every other book thats ever been written. The communist manifesto by karl marx and friedrich engels there was nearunanimity on the book that deserved the no. A couple that come to mind are adolph hitlers mein kampf and niccolo machiavellis the prince. So said malcolm x, as quoted by spike lee in the production notes to bamboozled, his perplexing new film. Dec 05, 2008 top ten most influential books ever december 5, 2008 ever since the written word came to the fore, after the oral tradition took the backseat to mass stories, sometime between the lyceum and hedonism, between gravitas and the advent of gravity, books captured and shaped the path of the world. The 7 longest books in american history america fun fact. Discussion about the bible is the worst book ever written in the history of mankind page 2 at the godlikeproductions conspiracy forum. His extensive education had engrained within him the keenest sense of scholarship.
But here are the top 10 the books the scholars credited with causing more harm to mankind than anything else written in the past 250 years. The bible is the worst book ever written timothy aldred. Americans have objected to titles as diverse as the bible and fifty shades of grey over the last year, according to a list of the most challenged books which has just been released by. Jul 05, 2015 i was embarrassed not so much because the book is hardcore chick lit and im a man, but because it is arguably the worst novel ever written in the english language and i wasted some precious hours of my life reading it. More than a billion copies were distributed in china as part of mao. Also, it is full of hatred, racism, sexism, and violence against innocent people. Agnostic, agnosticism, dead sea scrolls kindle edition by aldred, timothy. In the book bamboozled believers and on this site, i am proclaiming truths that are producing a paradigm shift in the way that christians view the world. The ten worst books of all time part one by old hickory. Discussion in religious debates started by doppelganger, feb 20, 2011. Are the bible and the quran the two most dangerous books ever. It says that if one person in a town is not a christian, the whole town should be destroyed and everyone should be killed.
Many christians believe that the greatest book ever written is the bible, similarly many muslims believe it is the quran. In some cases, god spoke directly to prophets who recorded his word. Will the book of joshua make you stop believing in god. Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones proverbs 16. Kind of like how the lord of the rings was written as just one work, but got split into three volumes to keep the price low enough for the average novel enthusiast so, what if we were looking for the longest book of the bible in its original format. Therefore, my answer might not be applicable to the q. Did christine hewitt really say the bible was the worst book. Jack iverson mastered it, and bamboozled batsmen so much that. It has its faults but there are countless books that are much worse.
It was written by forty different men, ranging from peasants to kings, over a period of 1,600 years. It use to be illegal for anyone other than clergy to read this book the bible. I mean, i sometimes hate read really, really terrible romance novels for my friends on facebook, so the worst book ive ever read is likely a really, really terrible romance novel. God does not condone nor tolerate sin today either. The 12 worst ideas religion has unleashed on the world.
Why the prosperity gospel is the worst pyramid scheme ever. Such unity in diversity is possible with this great book of books, the bible, because god is its ultimate author. In the next four blog posts one per week will discuss our last days blunder, our new heaven and new earth blunder, our judgment day. Top ten most influential books ever better world books blog. We read our bible each day this is the best book ever written. The bible was finished a couple of thousand years ago, in languages strange to most of us and in cultures strange to all of us. Myself and the rest of the panel had to read a total of 200 books each, all chosen for their sheer awfulness, books that had already been read, rejected and hated by much respected critics. Any book written by 40 authors is likely to have a multitude of contradictions like the bible has. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. Dec 12, 2017 this book was released in 2000 and it just absolutely exploded. The bible was divided into chapters by hugo in 1240. At the tender age of seven, timothy aldred accepted jesus. It was written like the anxious fever dream of a five year old and i thoroughly regret having spent so much time reading it. May, 20 bamboozled the bible was the worst book ever written response.
There are verses that can stand alone such as john 3. The book was poorly put together, poorly written and had some incredibly stupid plot twists. Anyway, here are the longest books ever written by american authors. The worst book ive ever read was demon days by richard finney. And this whole book was premised on just two little verses in 1st chronicles, chapter four, where we come across this guy named jabez, and he asked the lord to bless him.
While you may or may not wholistically agree with its contents, bamboozled will forever change your relationship and view of the bible as well as your faith. But even then there is a pretext and posttext story that goes with that one verse. Mind unleashedquestion everythingice breakersworld leadersblack historydark sidenew booksreligion. I have written a book that is hated by people who are afraid to read it. It quickly became one of the best selling christian books of all time. Here are the ten worst influential books ever to come off a printing press.
The bible is the worst book ever written in the history of mankind many people gave their lives to this book and died in vain. I started with the new testament when i converted to christianity and now i am almost done with the new testament. That does not mean i think it is heretical but just a poor translation. The most incredible book ever written by pastor kyle stephens of blessed hope baptist church, coon rapids, minnesota, usa to the consternation of far too many and to the delight of far too few, the bible remains the most controversial, the most shocking, the most despised and.
I was bamboozled by the prosperity pastors ploy in the same way people. Bamboozled by david legge is a book about a little girl that goes to visit her grandfather at his house. The stupidest book ever written ian daniel stewart. The most incredible book ever written by pastor kyle stephens of blessed hope baptist church, coon rapids, minnesota, usa to the consternation of far too many and to the delight of far too few, the bible remains the most controversial, the most shocking, the most despised and the most often derided book ever put to print. About 1880 to 1890 the book of the acts was regarded as the weakest part of the new testament. Bamboozled believers big bible blunders part 1of 5. The bible the bible is the stupidest book ever written. Despite the unanimous verdict, the choice of the worst book ever written was not reached easily. Our topics include conspiracy theory, secret societies, ufos and more. The books of the bible were originally written on animal skins called parchments. In the next four blog posts one per week will discuss our last days blunder, our new heaven and new earth blunder, our judgment day blunder and our coming soon blunder. The last half of the book details the efforts of earths survivors to wrestle control of the planet fromshark bankers.
So it doesnt really seem right to talk about a book being the worst as if any book is not a good and kind gift from our father. If the two testaments tell the greatest story ever told, i am a. Seems to me that all the evil written about the alleged god in the book called the bible is further evidence that it is simply an invention of evil men wanting an excuse to do horrible things to humanity and to control the masses. Each book was either written by a bad man or it propagates very silly ideas, as in the case of the one cited woman. Factthe new testament is the most historically accurate book ever written.
What i learned about women from the worst book ever written. Apologetics press factthe new testament is the most. As the apostle paul wrote, all scripture is given by inspiration of god 2 timothy 3. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading bamboozled. The bible is the most remarkable book ever written rapture. I voted for the cev because it often butchers the text and i think it is the worst bible for word for word studying. I like to think that i know the bible quite well, but the quran not so much, so in this answer i will take the bible as an example. A reader wrote me that the book of joshua was why he stopped. This book was released in 2000 and it just absolutely exploded. This is a weekly visit, where she ever so often eats and. Top ten most influential books ever december 5, 2008 ever since the written word came to the fore, after the oral tradition took the backseat to mass stories, sometime between the lyceum and hedonism, between gravitas and the advent of gravity, books captured and shaped the path of the world. If you are seeking truth, you have come to the right place. It use to be illegal for anyone other than clergy to read this book the bible talk about control.
Bamboozled the bible is worst book ever written youtube. The moment when joshua discovers that the gibeonites have bamboozled him is astonishing. A single book can be good in some ways and bad in others. Bamboozled the bible was the worst book ever written response. The books listed below have been cited by a variety of notable critics in varying media sources as being among the worst books ever written.
Excellently researched and written, bamboozled is a welcomed addition to any readers literary treasure chest. Fill the gaps between watching sport with the greatest writing about. For the next several months, well be devoting monday posts to conversations about the bible. First, to get ahead of any twitter storm, we recognise the decision of cricket bible wisden the greatest annual sports book ever, of course to stop using the term chinaman to describe a. The bible makes most challenged books list in us for first.
The nlt would be my second choice, though it is an improvement over its predecessor, the living bible. It says that god commanded the isrealites to do this. The worst parts of leviticus seem positively joyful compared with this. Caribbean radio show interviewing timothy aldred on his new book bamboozled besieged by lies man never a sinner how the world. The good book company, 2015, and blogs on art, culture, writing, and. The worst parst is giving up your life to a book of fantasy. The sixty six books it contains record the inerrant word of god. First, we would combine first and second samuel, first and second kings, first and second chronicles, and ezra with nehemiah. The oldest of the manuscripts are known as uncials and were written in all upper case or capital letters, they number about 300. We believe god gave it to us, and therefore it is gods word.
Whats the worst, most annoying book youve ever read. If we can recommend the best 50 books ever written, can we not also counter this with the ten. To have our own copy of the bible to read here on the mountaintop towards the end of our lives is almost a miracle. Mar 17, 2020 i mean, i sometimes hate read really, really terrible romance novels for my friends on facebook, so the worst book ive ever read is likely a really, really terrible romance novel. But the most annoying book ive ever read is, 100%, without a doubt, paulo coelhos the alchemist.
I was embarrassed not so much because the book is hardcore chick lit and im a man, but because it is arguably the worst novel ever written in the english language and i wasted some precious hours of my life reading it. The bible is the most remarkable book ever written. Caribbean radio show interviewing timothy aldred on his new book bamboozled besieged by lies man never a sinner how the world leaders used religion to control the populace tim explains the. Written by david foster wallace, who since his premature death in 2008 has. Which ones interest you the most, and what would you add to the list. Just wondering what you guys think are the worst most boring books in the old testament. Aug 02, 2016 very suggestive question, but i will try to answer it anyway. May 08, 2007 the last half of the book details the efforts of earths survivors to wrestle control of the planet fromshark bankers. She also helped him with chores around the house, but this time it was a little different. That would apply to every verse in every book of the bible. Did christine hewitt really say the bible was the worst book ever written. Dec 04, 2008 seems to me that all the evil written about the alleged god in the book called the bible is further evidence that it is simply an invention of evil men wanting an excuse to do horrible things to humanity and to control the masses.
Oct 06, 2008 did christine hewitt really say the bible was the worst book ever written. And of course, were conditioned to that whole notahumorousbook approach. How world leaders use religion to control the populace bible, sumerian, catholic churches, church history. The good book is not, as is so often suggested, a damn good read. Youxian says, i spent onehalf day traveling to the church. Jun 04, 2014 a bachelor texas real estate worker spent 11 years writing a book about a small town just lousy with sex and violence, stringing together more words than the entirety of the holy bible, at which point he sold 25,000 copies at it for a price equivalent of two frontrow seats to a broadway play apparently this is how money was measured. The book before and the book after would be the same.
They believed in the biblical god and nothing happened. If youre unhappy with some of the choices other people have made for this list, go add the books to other more positive lists. Every page was a tough decision to persevere or give up. So far, these titles are on my list of possibilities. There are 4, 500 ancient manuscripts of the new testament alone. It is some gay ass interpretation of the teachings. Are the bible and the quran the two most dangerous books. Others will have hearts broken and, believing the worst, will exit the church. This is a weekly visit, where she ever so often eats and drinks tea with her grandfather. In either case, the bible ignored the human elementthe generals. I am adding my voice to a growing chorus of writers who are calling for a new reformation. Very suggestive question, but i will try to answer it anyway.
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